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BRZHIFI PCM56 coaxial digital ke analog audio DAC dekoder TV pintar CD proyeksi benar-benar tanpa kompresi hifi speaker pesta

BRZHIFI PCM56 koaksial-analogue kualitas suara DAC dekoder adalah tangan terbaik untuk meningkatkan suara pesta. Ini dapat digunakan untuk menghubungkan ke TV, CD pintar, proyeksi, dan perangkat lainnya, mencapai output audio berkualitas tinggi yang benar-benar tanpa kehilangan. Chip PCM56 menganalisis sinyal digital, mengembalikan suara yang murni dan penuh, menciptakan lingkungan audio yang imersif untuk pesta, membuat setiap nada bersih di telinga, dan membawa kejutan kenikmatan pendengaran.


BRZHIFI PCM56 coaxial digital to analog audio DAC decoder TV smart CD projection truly lossless hifi party speaker manufacture
DAC-56P Dekoder Koaksial Digital
koaksial 44KHz-192KHZ
RCA Kursi Lotus 2Vrms
Antarmuka DC5525 12V 1A atau lebih
Ukuran keseluruhan
90* 65*35mm
Adaptor daya 12V, kabel sinyal lotus ganda
BRZHIFI PCM56 coaxial digital to analog audio DAC decoder TV smart CD projection truly lossless hifi party speaker manufacture
BRZHIFI PCM56 coaxial digital to analog audio DAC decoder TV smart CD projection truly lossless hifi party speaker details
BRZHIFI PCM56 coaxial digital to analog audio DAC decoder TV smart CD projection truly lossless hifi party speaker factory
BRZHIFI PCM56 coaxial digital to analog audio DAC decoder TV smart CD projection truly lossless hifi party speaker supplier
BRZHIFI PCM56 coaxial digital to analog audio DAC decoder TV smart CD projection truly lossless hifi party speaker factory
BRZHIFI PCM56 coaxial digital to analog audio DAC decoder TV smart CD projection truly lossless hifi party speaker manufacture
BRZHIFI PCM56 coaxial digital to analog audio DAC decoder TV smart CD projection truly lossless hifi party speaker supplier
BRZHIFI PCM56 coaxial digital to analog audio DAC decoder TV smart CD projection truly lossless hifi party speaker factory
BRZHIFI PCM56 coaxial digital to analog audio DAC decoder TV smart CD projection truly lossless hifi party speaker manufacture
BRZHIFI PCM56 coaxial digital to analog audio DAC decoder TV smart CD projection truly lossless hifi party speaker manufacture
Produk": [1601254002762,1600096987076,1601217186672,1600943640754,1600410111203,1600943675372,1600985067142,1600935658512,1600953982083,1600290230804,1600958859063,1601255423810]}}},"version":1}' class="icbu-pc-detailPenjualRekomendasi magic-13">
BRZHIFI PCM56 coaxial digital to analog audio DAC decoder TV smart CD projection truly lossless hifi party speaker supplier
BRZHIFI PCM56 coaxial digital to analog audio DAC decoder TV smart CD projection truly lossless hifi party speaker details
BRZHIFI PCM56 coaxial digital to analog audio DAC decoder TV smart CD projection truly lossless hifi party speaker supplier
BRZHIFI PCM56 coaxial digital to analog audio DAC decoder TV smart CD projection truly lossless hifi party speaker factory

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